Denise Lee EdS, LPC, NCC

My Ideal Client
My ideal client is the individual who has a history of severe trauma yet has the desire and motivation to heal from their past so they can incorporate a better quality of life.
Everyone deserves a chance to heal while receiving safe, positive and healthy support.
I am also a pastor's wife and understand first-hand the challenges a person faces in ministry.
Fun Facts
I enjoy fishing, painting, drawing, woodwork, and coffee with friends.
I have rode in a Porsche Boxster on a Grand Prix race track.
I went white water rafting in 2016 sometimes hitting level-4 rapids on the river. Never again!
As an undergrad, I was the only psych major who presented a painting in a juried art exhibition which was for art majors.
I have authored a book.

About Me
I am licensed in Alabama and Colorado as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC).
I am a certified Brainspotting therapist.
I am the owner of Life Recovery Counseling LLC.
I am the host of the Real Talk 238 podcast where taboo topics are discussed that aren't always discussed in the church. You can listen on Podbean, just download the app.
I am the host of Mental Health w/Denise radio program, Monday - Friday at 12pm and 8pm central. Listen online at or download the Piper Peach Gospel app.
I received my bachelor’s degree in Psychology, my master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and my education specialist (EdS) degree in clinical mental health counseling at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville AL.
I completed my practicum and internship at Hill Crest Behavioral Hospital in Birmingham, AL working with adolescent females who had histories of severe trauma and aggressive behavior.
Since 2010, I have worked with individuals who have experienced severe childhood trauma; sexual trauma; and were victims of spiritual and ritual abuse.
I have received level-1 training in telemental health and received training in the Gottman method for couples level-1.
My extensive research includes trauma, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex-PTSD, and forgiveness.
I have spoken and taught on the subjects of Forgiveness, PTSD, DID, Trauma-informed Care, Suicide Awareness, and Suicide Prevention at various locations which include individuals, in the classroom, churches, in women’s small groups, mental health groups, residential treatment centers, and trauma recovery center for victims of sex trafficking.
I provide training to medical professionals, behavioral health professionals, churches, and ministry teams on Trauma-informed Care, suicide awareness, and suicide prevention. To schedule a training, call 205.259.6838 option 4 and leave a voicemail.
Poster presentations include:
- “The Relationship Between Forgiveness and Gratitude, and How it Relates to Trauma”
- “The Misconceptions of Dissociative Identity Disorder”